Why Biblical Creation Matters
Why Biblical Creation Matters
Dr. Ken Ham
3 min
The question has often been raised in Christian circles as to why the issue of biblical creation versus evolution, or origins, is important to the Body of Christ. Quite frankly, while being more than just an interesting exercise in how science relates to the Bible, it's a divine command given under inspiration by the Holy Spirit, by the Apostle Peter to Christians (1 Peter 3:15). It is important because it defines who we are as a human-kind and our relation with our Creator. Are we just "highly evolved primates," or are we created, as Scripture tells us, "in the image of God?"
From Evolutionist to Creationist
Dr. Charles Jackson Testimony
4 min
The Genesis Solution
Dr. Ken Ham
29 min
Why the Creation Issue Matters
Dr. Del Tackett
33 min
Evolutionary Biologist to Creationist
Gary Parker Testimony
1 hour
DVDs / Video
Relevance of Genesis with Ken Ham - Answers in Genesis
DVD | Video Download | 52 min | watch clip
In this dynamic presentation, Ken Ham addresses the importance and authority of the Bible’s book of Genesis in the life and theology of the Christian.