Since the emergence of Darwinian evolutionary ideas in the 1800s, certain religious leaders, like Thomas Chalmers and Cyrus Scofield, have tried to make the idea of millions of years fit into Genesis Chapter 1. One of the more well-known ideas is called The Gap Theory.
Such ideas of not believing the Genesis Creation account as stated has seeded ideas that undermine Christians' belief in the validity and accuracy of God's Word. Many churches are caught unaware when such ideas enter into their body since they often do not take a stand on a young earth creation view from Scripture.
Short Videos
The Gap Theory: What is it?
Dr. Kent Hovind
6 min
The Gap Theory
This Video DESTROYS the Gap Theory - Ken Ham
5 min
Genesis Chapter 1
The Gap Theory
Trying to fit Millions of Years between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2
4 min
Genesis Chapter 1
The Gap Theory Debunked in 1 Minute
1 min
Genesis 1:2 & Romans 5:12
Church Under Attack:
The Trojan Horse of Long Ages
Calvin Smith - Answers in Genesis Canada
22 min
What is the Gap Theory?
Creation Ministries Intl.
15 min
The Gap Theory: Is It Biblical?
Eric Hovind and Stephen Lawwell
28 min
In Depth Videos
The Gap Theory - an idea with holes?
Creation Magazine
1 hour
The Gap Theory Debated
Douglas Hamp v Douglas Woodward
2 hours, 30 min
Answering The Gap Theory - Answers in Genesis
What about Gap Theories - Creation Ministry Intl
The Gap Theory - Revisited - Creation Ministry Intl
Does Scripture allow for the Gap Theory? - Creation Ministry Intl
Why the Gap Theory Won't Work - Institute for Creation Research
The Gap Theory: A Trojan Horse Tragedy - Institute for Creation Research
A Critique of the Pre-Creation Chaos Gap Theory - ICC (Intl Conference on Creationism)
The Gap Theory - by Dr Jonathan Sarfati - Creation Ministry Intl
Print Pamplet | ePamplet (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Dr Jonathan Sarfati’s brochure comprehensively answers the many problems associated with trying to squeeze the alleged long ages of evolution into the Bible by putting a gap of millions of years between the first two verses of Genesis 1. Not only is the gap theory scientifically and biblically wrong, with evil, death and suffering in a world which God pronounced to be ‘very good’, but also there is not the slightest basis for it in the Hebrew of Genesis. It does not arise from the Bible, but is the result of pressure from outside secular views.Unformed and Unfilled - A Critique of the Gap Theory - by Weston W. Fields - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | 245 pages
Unformed and Unfilled is the best and most detailed critique of the Gap theory available. The author looks at the inconsistencies of this position and shows that the Hebrew language in Genesis does not allow for such a gap.The Great Turning Point - The Church’s Catastrophic Mistake on Geology — Before Darwin - by Dr. Terry Mortenson - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | eBook | 300 pages
Many in the church today think that “young earth” creation is a fairly recent invention, popularized by fundamental Christians in the mid-20th century. Dr. Mortenson reveals fascinating original research that documents a different story.
DVDs / Videos
What the Bible & Science Say About the Age of the Earth (2 Part DVD) - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | MP4 Video Download | Stream Online (Buy/Rent) | 72 min
In his usual easy-to-understand style, Richard Fangrad helps the audience to resolve the 'age of the earth' controversy biblically and scientifically.Millions of Years - Where Did the Idea Come From? Featuring Dr. Terry Mortenson - Answers in Genesis
DVD | Video Download | 65 min | watch clip
In this update of Dr. Terry Mortenson's most popular presentation, he introduces the men and the theories that helped popularize the idea of millions of years of earth history.
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