Fossils & Geology
Fossils & Geology
Geologic and Fossil Evidence Support the Biblical Accounts for
Contrary to popular belief preached by the Evolution Establishment, the Earth is full of geologic and fossil evidence that actually supports the Biblical accounts a young earth, that God created all life on earth, and that there was a catastrophic worldwide flood (Noah's Flood) that happened only thousands of years ago. Both the rock record and the fossil record are a testimony to the power of water and rapid worldwide sedimentation, which is just what we see everywhere in the world.
Evolutionists, You’ve Been Caught Lying About Fossils
12 min
How Long Does It Take to Form a Fossil?
Only One Day.
The Geologic Column
"I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them." - Dr. Colin Patterson - Curator of the British Museum
Documented in Darwin’s Enigma, Luther Sunderland, Master Books, El Cajon, CA, 1988, pp. 88–90. SEE ARTICLE.
What is the Geologic Column?
6 min
Does the Geologic Column Exist?
2 min | watch full episode
The Geologic Column: Does it exist?
Evolutionists have argued that the 1% of the earth’s surface where the entire 10 layers of Geologic Column can be found is somehow more significant than the remaining 99% where they are not.
The Geologic Column:
The Essence of Evolution
3 min
The Geologic Column:
The Big End
10 min
Upside Down Geological Column in Pakistan
1 min
Short Videos
What About Transitional Fossils?
4 min
Evolutionary Professors Stumped by ONE Question
8 min
The Fossil Record:
Does It Prove Evolution or Noah's Flood?
16 min
The Idea of Pangea and Continental Drift was written about in the Bible Thousands of Years Ago
1 min
In Depth Videos
Ape Man: the Missing Link is Still Missing
Dr. Jeff Tomkins
41 min
Genesis Impact Movie
There Are NO Transitional Fossils
1 hour
Dinosaur Tissue Found in Fossils
The phenomenon of soft dinosaur tissue has been around now for a little more than a decade, and yet, evolutionists, like the person who first discovered this, self professed 'Christian evolutionist,' Dr. Mary Schweitzer, have yet to find an evolutionary-based explanation for the soft tissue. The soft tissue, organic molecules that can't last more than (by evolutionist thinking) a few hundred thousand years, is far more abundant than first believed, and has literally sent evolutionists into a panic (see 60 Minutes video below).
Can Soft Tissue Last Millions of Years?
3 min | David Rives
Organic 'Soft' Tissue found in T-Rex Dinosaur Fossil
3 min excerpt
CBS 60 Minutes | Dec 2010
T-Rex Blood Cells Discovered in Fossils
3 min
Tissue in found in MORE Dinosaur Fossils
10 min
More Dinosaur Fossils Found Containing Proteins and Tissue
26 min
The Geological Society of America documents Dinosaurs Fleeing Noah’s Flood - Creation Ministry Intl
How Old is The Earth? - Creation Ministry Intl
Geology and the Young Earth - Answering ‘Bible-believing’ Sceptics - Creation Ministry Intl
Many Earth Clocks Indicate Recent Creation - Institute for Creation Research
Measuring the rate at which worldwide processes function provides a "clock" by which the age of the earth may be calculated. Many of these processes yield thousands of years, rather than billions.Papers for Mountains After the Flood - Is Genesis History?
The Grand Canyon - from the Book "Wonders of Geology" - Answers in Genesis
The Grand Canyon does not speak of millions of years of formation; it clearly testifies of rapid formation.Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia - from the Book "Wonders of Geology" - Answers in Genesis
Looking at the evidence found in Uluru, we see that this wonderful formation did not result from millions of years of local flooding, erosion, and tectonic activity. Rather, it was formed catastrophically by one major event and its aftereffects.Devil's Tower in Wyoming - from the Book "Wonders of Geology" - Answers in Genesis
Global Catastrophic Model - Institute for Creation Research
Catastrophist patterns of interpretation have thoroughly permeated conventional thinking about the geologic record; geologists are deliberately reevaluating outdated uniformitarian thinking and are increasingly adopting a global catastrophic model.Worldwide Catastrophic Evidence Is Everywhere - Institute for Creation Research
Catastrophic displacements of enormous plates of the earth’s crust provided the driving force for the global flood and produced the deep spaces for the oceans to drain into after the global flood.Rapid Crystal Growth Supports Flood Model - Institute for Creation Research
Secular scientists are finding exactly what Flood geologists have predicted all along—huge crystals can and did grow extremely fast. In other words, magmas can cool into minerals in a matter of days!Using Bible History to Interpret the Rocks and Landscapes - Creation Ministry Intl
Geologists have long recognized that history is fundamental to their discipline. Before we can make sense of the rocks we need to know what happened in the past—we need a reliable history of the earth.Thirty Miles of Dirt in a Day - Answers in Genesis
It may come as a surprise to some, but not all rock layers were laid down during Noah’s Flood. In fact, the evidence indicates that more geologic layers may have been formed during Day Three of Creation Week than during the Flood.
The Deep Time Deception - Examining the Case for Millions of Years - Creation Ministry Intl
Softcover | eBook | MP3 Audio | 168 pages | High School to Adult
Is there room in the Bible for deep time? Where do we get the idea that the universe is billions of years old? Does ‘science’ prove the earth is old? What about radiometric dating? What about fossils? These questions, and many more, are tackled and clearly answered in The Deep Time Deception. You will learn what the Bible has to say on the matter, how the Apostles and Jesus himself thought about it, and how Christianity has historically dealt with the issue.Biblical Geology 101 - Institute for Creation Research
Full Color | Softcover | eBook | 200 pages | High School to Adult
Geology is a fun topic. It is also a biblical topic, because it has so much to tell us about biblical history. In Biblical Geology 101, you will learn that the Bible can be trusted. Geology and its corollary of millions of years has been a significant challenge to the biblical timeline since scientists started looking at the rocks. Because of the long scientific names and the many complex phenomena that go along with studying rocks, people can be intimidated by the claims of geology, in general. In this easy-to-read book, the author breaks down the seemingly complex names and gives real answers to the most significant questions. You will learn how rocks are formed, how they change over time, and how Noah’s Flood impacted the world.The Fossil Record - Institute for Creation Research
eBook | 192 pages
ICR geologist Dr. John Morris and zoologist Frank Sherwin unearth the evidence of earth's history and conclude that the fossil record is incompatible with evolution, but remarkably consistent with the biblical account of creation and Noah's Flood.The Geology Book - Wonders of Creation Series - Creation Ministry Intl
eBook | 80 pages | Junior High to Adult
Whether jutting skyward or languishing in the murky depths of the deep, rocks and sediments hold our little planet together. Dr Morris takes the reader on a tour of the earth’s crust, pointing out both the natural beauty of, and the scientific evidences for, creation.Flood By Design - Receding Water Shapes the Earth's Surface - Creation Ministry Intl
Softcover | eBook | 144 pages | High School to Adult
A thorough and educational exploration of the Genesis flood’s effect on the earth’s surface from Frozen in Time author Mike Oard. Discover if there really was a flood on the scale described in the Bible—and what evidence there is for this global event. Oard gives an astounding answer to these questions and affirms the reality of the account of the Genesis geologic history. Delve into the land features that bear witness of receding flood waters on a remarkable and unmistakable level. Ideal for advanced students and homeschoolers, this eye-opening book includes chapter questions for further review and discussion.Footprints in the Ash - The Explosive Story of Mount St. Helen - Answers in Genesis
Hardcover | eBook | 128 pages
Lavishly illustrated “picture book” that shares the full, explosive story of Mount St. Helens. A powerful testament to the Creator and Judge, who forms canyons in just days, not millions of years!Volcanoes: Earth’s Explosive Past - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 160 pages
Volcanoes around the world sporadically emit dramatic lava fountains, high-velocity pyroclastic flows, choking ash clouds, or slow-moving lava that steadily engulfs everything in its path.
DVDs / Videos
What the Bible & Science Say About the Age of the Earth (2 Part DVD) - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | MP4 Video Download | Stream Online (Buy/Rent) | 72 min
In his usual easy-to-understand style, Richard Fangrad helps the audience to resolve the 'age of the earth' controversy biblically and scientifically.Millions of Years - Where Did the Idea Come From? Featuring Dr. Terry Mortenson - Answers in Genesis
DVD | Video Download | 65 min | watch clip
In this update of Dr. Terry Mortenson's most popular presentation, he introduces the men and the theories that helped popularize the idea of millions of years of earth history.Flood Geology - The Creation Museum Collection - Answers in Genesis
DVD | Video Download | 29 min
This stunning collection of videos from the Creation Museum explains the possible mechanisms for the Flood and the tremendous effects it had on the earth. Be fascinated and educated as you watch these eye-opening programs. Contains 10 programs plus bonus content.Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - Creation Ministry Intl
Blu-ray | DVD | Stream Online (Buy/Rent) | 102 min | watch clip
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery?Geology by the Book - A Deluge of Evidence - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | MP4 Download | Stream Online (Buy/Rent) | 56 min
Discover how iconic geological sites such as the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland, Siccar Point in Scotland, and the Three Sisters in Australia dramatically demonstrate the reality of Noah’s Flood. Learn how many people in our world are trying to stop this information reaching you. Once you begin in the right place—with the book—and view the geological evidence from that perspective, it transforms the way you see your world.Biblical Geology - Properly Understanding the Rocks - Creation Ministry Intl
MP4 Download | Stream Online (Buy/Rent) | 36 min
Using easy-to-understand illustrations and terms, geologist Tas Walker shows how the Genesis account of a worldwide Flood gives the best explanation for the rock layers that we see today. If you aren't convinced now, you will be after hearing this talk!