Physics & Astronomy
Physics & Astronomy
The issue of distant starlight and time has been a thorny one for biblical creationists for some time. The question: 'How do we fit approximately 14 billion years of processes we see in the universe, with a biblical age of the earth in the thousands of years? Also a major problem for Christians has been whether or not we should accept the Genesis historical account of Creation, or if we should try to make Genesis fit with the Big-Bang theory?
Created Cosmos
A Creation Museum Planetarium Show
23 min
Short Videos
Fine Tuning Argument Defended with Quantum Cosmological Modals
1 min
The Fine-Tuned Universe
with Dr. Jason Lisle
20 min
The Laws of the Universe
Created by God
2 min
Is the Age of the Universe Precise?
3 min
Article: "A rare cosmic collision might let scientists calculate the precise age of the universe" by
Distant Starlight vs Biblical Young Earth
The Bible: Stars were created on the 4th day - BUT distant light from stars seems to prove the earth and our universe were created billions of years ago. Is this a contradiction?
Distant Starlight vs the Biblical Timeline
14 min
Distant Starlight and a Young Earth
26 min
In Depth Videos
3 Astronomical Evidences from Deep Space
that Counter the Big Bang Theory
38 min
Physics and Creation
with Physicist Dr. Jim Mason
28 min
The Big Bang Never Happened
1 hour, 10 min
A New View of Gravity
1 hour, 23 min
How Old Is the Universe?
Debate between Hugh Ross and Danny Faulkner
5 hours
Photosynthesis Uses Quantum Physics - Institute for Creation Research
Real Particle Physics Disappoints Big Bangers - Creation Ministry Intl
Spacetime - Virtual Particles, Time, . . . and the Trinity - Answers in Genesis
Particle Physics Is Remarkably Consistent with Genesis - Institute for Creation Research
Astronomy - Chapter 7 from the Book "Refuting Evolution" - Creation Ministry Intl
Comets and the Age of the Solar System - Creation Ministry Intl
The Universe is Finely Tuned for Life - Creation Ministry Intl
A Supernova and the Scripture - Institute for Creation Research
Articles for Kids
The Solar System - The Basics - Institute for Creation Research
Sun, shine! Moon, glow! Stars, twinkle!—Day 4 - Creation Ministry Intl
Astronomy for Kids: Dwarf Planets, Asteroids, and Comets - Creation Ministry Intl
Kids Answers: WHAT MAKES THE COLORS IN A SUNSET? - Answers in Genesis
Kids Answers: STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT - Answers in Genesis
Kids Answers: THE MAGNIFICENT MARVELS OF SPACE - Answers in Genesis
Universe: Surveying God’s Created Cosmos - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 176 pages
A variety of celestial wonders fills the skies. The sun, moon, stars, planets, comets, meteors, and even nebulae can be seen with the naked eye. These incredible marvels and others proclaim the extraordinary order and beauty found throughout the universe.Taking Back Astronomy - The Heavens Declare Creation and Science Confirms It - Answers in Genesis
Hardcover | eBook | 128 pages
Dr. Jason Lisle debunks the most widely accepted evolutionary ideas about astronomy. Readers are given solid answers to many questions, including the speed of light, the big bang, extra terrestrials, the reliability of the Bible, and more.The Expanse of Heaven - Where Creation & Astronomy Intersect - Answers in Genesis
Hardcover | eBook | 400 pages
In this unique book, Dr. Danny Faulkner gives an application of the biblical model of creation to the science of astronomy.The Created Cosmos - What the Bible Reveals About Astronomy - Answers in Genesis
Hardcover | eBook | 350 pages
This cutting-edge book investigates what the Bible has to say about astronomical objects and phenomena.The Work of His Hands - Institute for Creation Research
Hardcover | 176 pages | Full Color Coffee Table Book
During his six months aboard the International Space Station in 2006, Colonel Jeffrey N. Williams orbited the earth more than 2,800 times and took more photographs of earth than any astronaut in history. Every shot contains lessons about God's creation.Building the Creation Model of Astronomy - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | eBook | 155 pages
Building the Creation Model of Astronomy proposes a new solution to the problem of distant starlight, offering a hypothesis for the nature of the firmament created on day two, plus technical articles related to asteroids, comets, Cepheid variables, pulsars, supernovae, stellar distances, and much more.Answering Questions About Astronomy (Vol 2) - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | eBook | 151 pages
Answering Questions About Astronomy answers common questions. For example, did the moon appear as blood on the night of the crucifixion? Was the second law of thermodynamics in place before the fall? Readers are also cautioned against some young-universe arguments so they can avoid outdated apologetics. These questions and many others are answered.Falling Flat - A Refutation of Flat Earth Claims - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | eBook | 385 pages
There are people in the world today who believe the world is flat. And they are working very hard to convince everyone else that it’s flat – even if it means distorting the truth to do it. Read this book and get the facts regarding the flat earth fallacy.
Books for Kids
Science for Kids 4 PACK - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 2nd to 6th Grade
Dinosaurs: God's Mysterious Creatures, Space: God's Majestic Handiwork, Animals by Design: Exploring Unique Creature Features, Earth: Our Created HomeMission Solaris Activity Book - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 20 pages | Children
Are you ready for your next space mission? Come aboard Ambassador 1 to explore the wonders of planets, stars, and so much more! In the Mission Solaris Activity Book, you’ll find over 15 interactive activities to complete along the way to earning your Solarnaut certificate. Most importantly, you’ll discover how our incredible universe proclaims the glory of our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. This fun and exciting activity book was created to go along with the new ICR Discovery Center planetarium film, Mission Solaris.
Books for Teens
Guide to the Universe - Institute for Creation Research
Hardcover | 122 pages | Homeschooling Award
From our radiant sun to the brilliance of distant galaxies, the vast universe reveals breathtaking beauty and majesty. Yet scientists tell conflicting accounts of its origins. Did God create it? Or did the universe just explode into existence?Intro to Astrophysics - A Study of God's Universe From A Biblical Perspective - Answers in Genesis
Paperback | 380 pages | Grades 11-12 SEE ALSO: Teacher Guide (Paperback, 260 pages)
Study how the universe began, how it works, and how things like black holes, dark matter, and gravity are used by God to sustain his creation.
DVDs / Videos
A Special Earth in a Special Universe - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | Stream Online (Buy/Rent) | 44 min
Did the universe form randomly in a big bang, or is it the work of a Designer? This talk discusses many ways in which the Earth, solar system, and cosmos are precisely fine-tuned for life, at all scales. This implies a Fine-Tuner. Secular thinkers try to avoid this conclusion which forces them to embrace models with absurd implications (the multiverse hypothesis and the alien simulation hypothesis). This exposes the secular viewpoint as unscientific. The cosmos is not the result of natural processes; it plainly shows the handiwork of our wonderful Creator, as stated in Romans chapter 1.Astronomy 3 DVD Combo - Answers in Genesis
Our Created Moon - Answers in Genesis
DVD | 39 min
Dr. Donald DeYoung displays the latest discoveries of astronomy to analyze flawed views of the moon’s origin.Distant Starlight and Those Light Years - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | Stream Online (Buy/Rent) | 58 min
If the heavens and Earth were created merely thousands of years ago, how can we see stars and galaxies that are so far away as it seems their light would need millions or even billions of years to reach us? This talk discusses five potential solutions to this question currently being discussed within the creation community. It also provides several answers to give to skeptics, including the fact that the Big Bang model has a fatal ‘light travel time’ problem of its own. The vastness of the cosmos does not disprove the Bible—instead, it supports the glory of our Creator.Astronomy Series - What You Aren’t being Told About Astronomy - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | Stream Online (Buy/Rent)
Vol 1 - Our Created Solar System (150min) | Vol 2 - Our Created Stars & Galaxies (63min) | Vol 3 - Our Created Universe (108min)Distant Starlight: A Forum - Creationist Solutions to the “Light-Travel Problem” - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | 55 min
For the first time, two of the world’s leading creationist cosmologists share the same stage and discuss each other’s models that seek to explain how distant starlight, allegedly millions of light years away, could reach the earth within a 6,000 year-old Creation. The answers appeal to understandable, known science that is also revealing that the secular cosmological models of the big bang is increasingly becoming untenable. It’s an exciting time for creationist cosmology.The Distant Starlight Dilemma? - Light Years are not a Problem for a Recent Creation - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | 55 min
If galaxies are billions of light-years away from us and a light-year is the current time that light travels in one year, then how are we able to see light from these galaxies if the earth and universe are only about 6,000 years old as is indicated by the chronologies in the Bible? Get the answer!The Heavens Declare DVD Series - Creation Ministry Intl
DVD | Stream Online (Buy/Rent)Origins of the Universe (Episode 1)
45 min | watch preview
This episode introduces the entire series about origins and the two competing worldviews; the biblical and a naturalistic worldviews. The experts address several scientific challenges to the Big Bang, but also focus on the naturalistic view as a philosophy rather than just data. Finally, the experts focus on the implications and human response to each worldview. A simple Gospel message is shared and viewers are encouraged to choose the Biblical worldview.Challenges to the Big Bang (Episode 2)
50 min | watch preview
This episode introduces scientific challenges to the Big Bang theory. The experts address the suggestion by Christians that God could have used the Big Bang and why there are many reasons to reject that idea. They finish off the episode by talking about why the Biblical model works better with the evidence and how we can reconcile science with the Bible.