Physics & Astronomy 

Physics & Astronomy

The issue of distant starlight and time has been a thorny one for biblical creationists for some time. The question: 'How do we fit approximately 14 billion years of processes we see in the universe, with a biblical age of the earth in the thousands of years? Also a major problem for Christians has been whether or not we should accept the Genesis historical account of Creation, or if we should try to make Genesis fit with the Big-Bang theory?

Created Cosmos
A Creation Museum Planetarium Show
23 min

Short Videos

Fine Tuning Argument Defended with Quantum Cosmological Modals
1 min

The Fine-Tuned Universe
with Dr. Jason Lisle
20 min

The Laws of the Universe
Created by God
2 min

Is the Age of the Universe Precise?
3 min

Article: "A rare cosmic collision might let scientists calculate the precise age of the universe" by

Distant Starlight vs Biblical Young Earth

The Bible: Stars were created on the 4th day - BUT distant light from stars seems to prove the earth and our universe were created billions of years ago.  Is this a contradiction?

Distant Starlight vs the Biblical Timeline
14 min

Distant Starlight and a Young Earth
26 min

In Depth Videos

3 Astronomical Evidences from Deep Space
that Counter the Big Bang Theory
38 min

Physics and Creation
with Physicist Dr. Jim Mason
28 min

The Big Bang Never Happened
1 hour, 10 min

A New View of Gravity
1 hour, 23 min

How Old Is the Universe?
Debate between Hugh Ross and Danny Faulkner
5 hours


Articles for Kids


Books for Kids

Books for Teens

DVDs / Videos