The Creation Account
Genesis 1:1 thru 2:4
In today's world, the issue of what the Biblical Creation account in Genesis 1:1-31 actually means can sometimes be controversial and confusing. Its meaning as a foundational requirement to understanding the Bible and to the success of every Christian's spiritual growth is often under-rated. Understanding the Creation Account, now more than ever, is vitally important to understand in an ever-increasing world of skepticism and doubt.
God's Biological Grouping or Classification of Plant and Animal Life
FOR EXAMPLE: There is one Dog 'Kind' and a whole lot of variations or breeds within that animal kind. Generally, each kind can reproduced within its same group but cannot outside its kind.
Explaining Biblical Kinds
3 min | Dominic Statham
Short Videos
The Days of Creation
3 min
Genesis Chapter 1
Overview of Genesis 1-11
6 min
Chapters 1 thru 11
How Long Were the Creation Days?
29 min
Genesis Chapter 1
A Literal 24 Hour Day
11 min
Genesis Chapter 1
God's Creation According to Genesis
5 min
Genesis Chapter 1
Created Cosmos
A Creation Museum Planetarium Show
23 min
In Depth Videos
How Genesis Teaches a Literal Creation
1 hour
Genesis Chapter 1 thru 11
Genetics CONFIRM a Literal Adam & Eve
1 hour, 5 min
Did Jesus Say He Created in Six Days? - Answers in Genesis
What is The Most Important Verse in the Bible? Genesis 1:1 - Answers in Genesis
Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? - Answers in Genesis
Where Did the 7 Day Week Come From? - Creation Ministry Intl
Why God Didn't Create over billions of years and why is it important know? - Creation Ministry Intl
The Creation Week - Institute for Creation Research
The Literal Creation Week - Institute for Creation Research
Creation to Babel - A Commentary for Families - by Ken Ham - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | eBook | Audio | 288 pages | Teens - Adults
There has never been a commentary like this one—it's unique in the world! Ken Ham has been asked many questions about Genesis—and he answers them in this commentary on Genesis 1–11!Genesis Impact - Do Natural History Museums Display The Truth About Origins? - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | 215 pages | Teens - Adults | also the DVD (View Trailer)
Millions of people visit Natural History Museums every year. This book evaluates the 13 leading evidences that are presented in these museums from a both a biblical and scientific perspective.Living In The Light of Genesis - by Dr. Brian Thomas - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 191 pages
Like many Christians, Brian Thomas was taught to believe that Genesis is at least partly myth. He was told that history, archaeology, and science contradict supernatural creation and that there were no Adam and Eve in a Garden of Eden.The Book of Beginnings - by Dr. Henry Morris, III - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 752 pages
In this new comprehensive edition of The Book of Beginnings: A Practical Guide to Understanding Genesis, Dr. Henry M. Morris III addresses the difficult issues in the Genesis record.Should Christians Believe in an Old Earth? Pocket Guide - Answers in Genesis
Softcover | eBook | 96 pages | Teens - Adults
Is there a time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Were the days of creation really long ages? Can’t we just add evolution to the Bible? What’s so bad about believing in millions of years?The Creation Answers Book - Creation Ministries Intl
Softcover | eBook | MP3 Audio | 272 pages | High School - Adult | watch video
The Creation Answers Book provides biblical answers to over 60 important questions that everyone wants to know on creation/evolution and the Bible! Not only does it answer your own questions, but equips you to effectively respond to those that resist the Gospel due to worldly teaching on origins. This important work is a ‘must have’ for anyone’s library!15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History - Creation Ministries Intl
Softcover | eBook | 32 pages | High School - Adult
Many have been misled into thinking that the Genesis account of creation is not actual history, but is just some sort of theological argument (‘polemic’). This small book succinctly shows why those who believe in the inspiration of Scripture have no intellectually honest choice but to take Genesis as straight-forward history, just as Jesus did. It powerfully challenges one of the major problems in the church today that affects the authority of the entire Bible. Read it, and give it to your pastor or particularly anyone contemplating theological training—it could save them from getting derailed by some of the misleading arguments common in theological academia.7 Reasons Why We Should Should Not Accept Millions of Years - by Dr. Terry Mortenson - Answers in Genesis
Booklet | eBook | 24 pages | Teens - Adults
An introduction to some of the reasons why Christians cannot accept millions of years without doing great damage to the church and her witness in the world.Creation Basics & Beyond - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | eBook | 426 pages
Creation or evolution? It is very important we understand the truth about origins. Christians need to know if the Genesis account of creation is truth or myth. If the Bible is false on its very first page, then how can we have confidence in what follows?A Question of Origins - Created or Evolved? - by Shelby MacFarlane - Creation Ministries Intl
Softcover | eBook | 232 pages | Junior High - Adult | Free Companion Workbook for Download with Teacher's Guide
This high school age textbook gives students the tools they need to evaluate where we, life, and the universe came from. Richly illustrated in full color, it fairly presents what evolutionists believe and why, but then makes the powerful scientific case for creation—a case that is ignored by secular textbooks. Students will learn to think critically as they examine the evidence for themselves, in a range of scientific fields. Topics covered include genetics, the origin of life, fossils, missing links, plate tectonics, radiometric dating, embryology, the origin of man, and the implications of creation and evolution for our worldview.
Books for Kids
Creation Kids Activity Book - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 64 pages | Children
The Bible tells us that God created the universe in six days. From the stars to the seas and everything in between, explore how the Lord Jesus made every detail for a purpose.God Made Gorillas, God Made You - Institute for Creation Research
Paperback | 32 pages | Children
God created animals and the amazing things they do. But He did something extra-special when He made you!
DVDs / Video
Six Days & Other Biblical Perspectives - Answers in Genesis
DVD | Video Download | 27 min | The Creation Museum Collection, Enhanced Edition
With stunning visual effects and colorful illustrations, this video brings to life the first week of history in a dramatic way. You and your loved ones will marvel at God’s work of creation! Contains 8 programs plus bonus content.Genesis Impact - Do Natural History Museums Display The Truth About Origins? - Answers in Genesis
DVD | 65 min | Watch Trailer | see also the Book
This movie takes on the leading 12 evolutionary icons presented in museums. The Genesis Impact film is ideal for Christians who want to learn how to dismantle the leading “evidences” for evolution that are displayed in natural history museums and understand how to view secular museums through a biblical perspective.God of Wonders - Institute for Creation Research
DVD | 85 min
God's wonders surround us, and these marvels reveal much about our Creator. Through creation we glimpse His power and wisdom, His majesty and care. Creation is speaking to those who will listen...Genesis: Paradise Lost - God Made Everything, And It Was Good - Answers in Genesis
Blu-ray | DVD | 110 min | watch trailer
Add this powerful theatrical release to your collection. Captures the first week of Creation with cutting-edge cinematography and biblical accuracy, bringing the first chapter of Genesis to life!Genesis 1:1 - The Foundational Verse of the Foundational Book - Answers in Genesis
DVD | Download | 58 min | watch clip
Enjoy this candid presentation as author/speaker Ken Ham shares heartfelt concerns with a small group of pastors.