The Creation Account - Genesis 1:1 thru 2:4

The Creation Account

Genesis 1:1 thru 2:4

In today's world, the issue of what the Biblical Creation account in Genesis 1:1-31 actually means can sometimes be controversial and confusing. Its meaning as a foundational requirement to understanding the Bible and to the success of every Christian's spiritual growth is often under-rated. Understanding the Creation Account, now more than ever, is vitally important to understand in an ever-increasing world of skepticism and doubt.



God's Biological Grouping or Classification of Plant and Animal Life 

FOR EXAMPLE:  There is one Dog 'Kind' and a whole lot of variations or breeds within that animal kind. Generally, each kind can reproduced within its same group but cannot outside its kind.

[ more about Biblical 'Kinds' ]

Explaining Biblical Kinds
3 min  |   Dominic Statham

Short Videos

The Days of Creation
3 min
Genesis  Chapter 1

Overview of Genesis 1-11
6 min
Chapters 1 thru 11

How Long Were the Creation Days?
29 min
Genesis  Chapter 1

A Literal 24 Hour Day
11 min
Genesis  Chapter 1

God's Creation According to Genesis
5 min
Genesis  Chapter 1

Created Cosmos
A Creation Museum Planetarium Show
23 min

In Depth Videos

How Genesis Teaches a Literal Creation
1 hour
Genesis  Chapter 1 thru 11

Genetics CONFIRM a Literal Adam & Eve
1 hour, 5 min


Books for Kids

DVDs / Video