Noah's Ark & The Flood 

 Genesis 6 thru 9 

Noah's Ark & The Flood

Genesis 6 thru 9

With the opening of the Ark Encounter theme park by Answers in Genesis, an ever more prevalent debate on just how all the geologic layers all over the earth, along with all the fossils were deposited. This question is fundamentally important to our understanding of scripture, and the history of the earth because how we answer the question of origin of the geology, fossil record, and the age of the earth is how we view ourselves in the light of scripture, and whether or not we view scripture as the authoritative Word of God.

Scientists Are Trying to Deny This Happened
16 minutes  |  Joe Kirby

Short Videos

Noah's Account - a short film
What Was It Like During the Biblical Flood?
17 min
Genesis  Chapters 6-9

Noah's Ark
11 min
Genesis  Chapter 6

Top 6 Most Convincing Evidences of Noah’s Flood
5 min

Is There Evidence of a Global Flood?
14 min

Is Noah's Flood FACT or FICTION?
17 min

Noah's Flood and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
23 min

Mountains After the Flood
4 min
from the Documentary: Is Genesis History?
Mountains After the Flood (more videos)

Where There Dinosaurs on the Ark?
5 min

Did Noah take Dinosaurs on the Ark? What about Whales?
1 min

Major Coleman, Assistant Professor of Law, NC Central Univ

In Depth Videos

The Biblical Account of Noah
40 min
Genesis  Chapters 6-9

Noah’s Flood Genetics and DNA
27 min




DVDs / Video