

Dinosaurs! The very topic brings to mind ancient forests filled with these larger than life now extinct reptiles. Every youngster knows about dinosaurs! The idea of dinosaurs being extinct isn't a new one, neither is the cultural stigma that automatically connects dinosaurs and "millions of years" together. But is this really true?  Evidence has emerged over the last few decades that indicates dinosaurs and humans actually coexisted, that ancient legends of dragons may actually be ancient accounts of humans interacting with dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs Found to be Living Fairly Recently
25 minutes

Dinosaurs and the Bible
56 minutes

Does the Bible in Job 40 Describe a Sauropod Dinosaur (Behemoth)?
21 minutes

Dragons & Dinosaurs
Here’s Why Atheists Are WRONG About Dinosaurs
55 minutes

Dinosaurs and the Bible
Tracing Biblical and Historical References
28 minutes

Where There Dinosaurs on the Ark?
4 minutes, 30 sec